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[58] Registering a Domain

If you come up here because it is determined to move forward. Congratulations for your decision!You will not be sorry to begin this adventure.To help you make the best decision, here is a guide to learn how to register a domain for your site.
There are two basic steps you need to get your domain registered.The first is by book and record the domino you want.

The name field is the address that user sees in the browser when it comes to your site.Examples of areas include:


After selecting the domain you want, you need to see if it is available.
More Fields are normally attended unavailable.
After registering the domain, you must take the next step, which is chosen by the housing where the files are stored on your site.
The domain you bought will be redirected to the company which provides accommodation.
Let's see how to choose the best field for you ...

How to Choose A Good Domain
If you want to position itself well in search engines is important that the domain name contains the keywords of your topic.
For example, if you want to recommend bicycle, you should choose a field of type
Most visitors come to your site through a search engine, looking for one or more keywords in your topic.
The most likely receive a visit from someone who said: 'buy cheap bikes. "

When the Keywords Are Not Important
If you want to create a website to attract local visitors, such as a small business in their city, the traffic of search engines is not as important. In these cases you can register the domain with your company name and promote it with the inhabitants of their city.
In these cases the brand is more important than the keywords.
Whether you have a business with online presence, with the address on the card-of-trip to show their clients, record the name of your business or your company.

Tips for Choosing a Domain
Here are some tips for choosing a quality domain for your site:

* Do not register domain names for very long, with many words. Maximum characters for a domain is 63, but you should choose one that has less letters. The longer the name, is more difficult to decorate. Within the available names, try to choose one that is simple.

* If you select a field very long, users elects a hyphen to separate words, but because it is too complicated to decorate by a user.
For example:

* Buy several extensions of the same area, to protect against future competitors.
If possible, buy the most common extensions (. Com,. Info,. Org,. En). If you start to have success, competitors certainly appear to register the other extensions of your domain.

How to Register Domains
Most companies are also allow webhousting areas. The type of services provided by these companies is equal, so choose the cheapest to find.

Proteger a Privacidade Protecting the Privacy
When you buy a domain will have several options, including the possibility of protecting your privacy.
It means that your name and contact details will not be published in a publicly accessible database, this will prevent it being attacked by spam and analyzed for their competition.
It is only an option to register a domain, but without doubt it is a useful option.
The annual cost of this protection is quite low.

Domain Forwarding
Another of the possibilities is the redirection of domains to your primary domain.
If you select several extensions of the same domain, you can forward them all to the main domain where your site is hosted.
The Domain Forwarding is a service which is usually also provided with an annual cost.

Domain name Generator
Here you can find if the name you want to register is avaiable

Register the Domain Now
If you understood all the steps you need to register the domain, is ready to go and choose the domain for your site.
Before even buying the field, also choose the accommodation you want because you will need to have both chosen to get everything ready to start developing.
Normally I tell to my friends to register at a fast hosting to have more speed and normally they offer the domain name on registration of a webhosting plan
For Example


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